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Karo Sambhav is a country-wide organisation, currently spread across 29 states, 3 union territories, and over 60 cities. Through our technology enabled e-waste management programme, we provide producers and global brands with comprehensive Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) services. Here is a snapshot of our presence.
They aim to transform e-waste from a challenge to a formalised and environmentally conscious industry that provides fair value to all the stakeholders in the value chain.The goal is to find inclusive, sustainable, scalable and transparent solutions for e-waste handling in India.
The Karo Sambhav ecosystem is growing and affecting change through five comprehensive outreach programmes: schools, bulk consumers, waste picker, waste aggregator and repair shops.
In the three years of operations, they have successfully collected and sent over 12000 MTs of e-waste for responsible recycling and have collected 1170MT of plastic waste so far.