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The mobile van e-waste collection was organized on August 28 by PRO (Producer Responsibility Organisation) Karo Sambhav along with the German Agency for Cooperation (GIZ) for the residents of Moira, Aldona, Bastora, Nachinola, and Ucassaim wherein door-to-door pick up was also done. With a good response from the citizens, e-waste of 430 kg has been collected. A small token of remuneration was also paid to the citizens for dropping off their e-waste at the mobile van. The e-waste collected from the mobile van collection will be sent to the authorized recyclers and disposed of as per the e-waste disposal norms. Karo Sambhav aims to cover all the cities and talukas in Goa and also in other states to encourage the citizens to dispose of the e-waste through only the authorized e-waste collector and not give it to the informal sector. Steve Souza is the project manager of this initiative. He can be contacted at No 8698916279.